Ken mainly works with paper and clay often combined with wood.
He says he always been fascinated by clay and the tactile sensation he gets when working with it; the smoothness of this most pliable material. He uses a homogeneous mixture of paper pulp made from shredded office paper and recycled clay to create the paperclay with which he composes sculptures inspired by shapes and forms of both nature and man-made edifices. He enjoys translating these concepts into sculptures, giving them shape and form, and perhaps a life of their own. When everything comes together, it is truly satisfying to see and feel, he says, and creating his art fills him with good emotions, energizes him and reinforces his confidence as a sculptor.
Ken feels his work doesn't have to look pretty all the time. Sometimes, it evokes different emotions and feelings. That's OK. If the viewer feels something, then he feels he has communicated and is happy. His sculptures convey a story that reflects a balance of newly acquired knowledge, intuition and uncertainty - all producing individual and unique works of art.
Ken has constantly changing exhibitions at his gallery of a stimulating variety. He founded the Collaboration of Maleny Artists,COMA, and is always keen to promote emerging and local artists who are worthy of his support . Paintings, pottery, sculpture, jewellery and much more are always on display at Maleny Artworks which makes it a most pleasing place to visit. See Ken's website for much more information about his activities and work and the artists happily supporting his