I have forgot much, Cynara! Gone with the wind, Flung roses, roses, riotously with the throng, Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind; But I was desolate and sick of an old passion, Yea, all the time, because the dance was long: I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.
At this stage I believe that two different quotations have been combined in the quote above, but that is how it came from the Internet as a result of my search. Perhaps someone can put me right?
So, I want to share with you some photos of glorious roses grown by a good friend of mine, Roy Larking, in England, who has inspirationally green fingers. I think I would describe his garden as a picture post card cottage garden. Here he creates his magic with a riot of colour in Spring and Summer - a wide variety of blooms of every kind, all looking so enviably healthy! In particular, I am entranced by his roses and secondly his clematis. Would that I could grow them here in Queensland, but neither are happy in a damp, hot sub tropical climate. The trouble is, I do not have their names, with one exception, so I will ask Roy and add them later.
So, I want to share with you some photos of glorious roses grown by a good friend of mine, Roy Larking, in England, who has inspirationally green fingers. I think I would describe his garden as a picture post card cottage garden. Here he creates his magic with a riot of colour in Spring and Summer - a wide variety of blooms of every kind, all looking so enviably healthy! In particular, I am entranced by his roses and secondly his clematis. Would that I could grow them here in Queensland, but neither are happy in a damp, hot sub tropical climate. The trouble is, I do not have their names, with one exception, so I will ask Roy and add them later.
Now the exquisite new rose RAPHSODY IN BLUE
and no English garden is complete without the delphiniums (so wrongly previously described by me as hollyhocks!).
Finally, here is where they are all to be found, in ravishing array.
In my next blog I am going to introduce you to Roy's other unique talents and I am sure you will learn something new and be entranced. So watch this space!
what a picture perfect garden and roses are just delightful